Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No. Yes.

How is it that I have a hard time saying No to people, yet I have a hard time saying Yes to Elohim?

Why do many of us have a hard timing saying No to people? Fear. I will not apply to everyone, because everyone is unique. But I wish to be well loved and appreciated; I can obtain this by doing whatever others want me to do. Saying No, means looking bad or losing an opportunity to gain acclaim from others.

When Jesus calls and I either ignore or do not obey the call. I say No to Him. His Spirit gently calls in His still small voice….

“Come, talk to me about this. Ask me first, not after you have talked to everyone else.”

“It’s not in accordance to the heart I’ve given you, say No.”

“Leave this chaos, be still in my presence.”

“Come to me for rest.”

“Fear not, I am with you.”


Our No’s are not generally spoken out-right or direct rejections of Jesus. But, how often do you sense his call, and in your inaction, say No.

I say Yes to people because I care about me, and I want to be feel good about myself. I say No to Jesus, because I am prideful.

My Yes to people – empty.

My No to Elohim – empty.

How can I refuse the call that brings me the deepest joy? I don't know, but I do more often than I don't.


  1. Wow. It's sad for me to think about how often I do that. You're right, though; most of the time my "yes" is merely because I'm seeking approval, and while it may bring fulfillment for a little while, it always has to be supplemented by the next time I say yes. When I say "no," (whether consciously or not), it produces emptiness as well. Ahhh ... when am I going to learn that?

    I'm glad you wrote about this ... it's something I definitely need to remember.


    P.S. I didn't know you had a blog! :-)

  2. Very good thoughts, Natalie. I, too, tend to say yes to people for their approval. And it is difficult to say yes to God, sometimes. This is hard because it is at those times that I need to say yes to God the most! This goes along with the emptiness after school that we discussed on Wednesday. I find myself empty and hungering for God but I have trouble seeking Him at the same time!

    P.S. You ARE loved and appreciated, Nat. No matter what you say or do. You will always be the bestest Natalie Kimbrough I know. Always. <3
