Monday, November 21, 2011

Jump In!

Do you ever sense, that perhaps you are merely tipping your toe in the deep blue pool of life? That you live life dipping your toe in, sometimes wading into up to your waist (which feels like the edge of either insanity or the brink before terror). So, we spend our days dancing in the puddles and tasting the drops. We cup our hands and sip the water.

Who would I be without my trepidation and hesitation? A blundering fool, unaware of reality?

I'll make rivulets in the deep pool. Goodness, I'll even make a series of ripples. But a splash? You are insane. I can't do that.

To submerge, to leap, to embrace gifts offered.

Jump in, sink down, explore the depths, then glide toward the top for a gulp of sweet air.... A drink of icy water that reaches that thirsty place in your heart.

God doesn't promise us a life is ease and easy-living. But, he promises to be the giver of good gifts, the giver of moments of grace, the giver of Himself. We simply must move past our fear and apathy and seek our Abba. How can we jump into life if we aren't confident in Abba's goodness and nearness?

~~~A random thought: Life is not about moral reformation, but an increasing dependence on the indwelling Spirit.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Details (part 2)

This is a thankful list, because sometimes I just need to count the gifts of Abba.

Cotton candy clouds
A sunflower in your friend's hair
Inter-library loan
Moral support from someone you barely know
A moon rise over the lake in Dahlonega
A returned phone-call from a voice you haven't heard in months
Smiling eyes
Carving pumpkins with best friends
Singing "I love you Lord" over and over
Rolling the windows down and turning the car heat up
Conversations that could seemingly never end
Clouds that feel like early snow
A friend in the library
A friend who lets you do all the talking for an entire phone call
100$ cash in the mail
Finding an envelope of checks you lost a month ago.
Writing to Jesus
Fireside family times
Flowers that smell sweet
Orange leaves
A pile of leaves that begs to be jumped in
Getting leaves stuffed down your shirt
A convincing friend
Emails from around the globe
A voicemail from a little boy you haven't seen for a year (!!!)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Abba loves us in so many ways....

Words from a friend.
The smell of random weeds.
A birthday card.
A smile.
Piano music.
The friend that doesn't let you walk off alone.
Crickets making noise.
The moon when it's orange.
Standing in a group of friends, and knowing that nothing could change how much they loved you.
A cloud at the right time and spot.
Rain drops on a sweaty face.
Loud laughter.

Pay attention.... Abba loves you.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Words Spoken...

I’ve always heard that words spoken aloud can never be recalled, that they hold great power and can both heal and destroy. James 3 expounds on the dangers of the tongue and its power.

In the last few months, different experiences have confirmed the fact that speaking truth over someone is a powerful tool.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs 25:11)

***When it was time to say our goodbyes, everyone mingled around saying thank you's and giving hugs. Mr. R. came up to me, took my hand, looked me in the eye and said “Young lady, God has his hand on you.” Surprise and doubte, then a sense of joy ran over me. I walked away feeling honored. I wondered if I had just seen a hint of the smile of Abba on my life. This man didn’t really know me, I’d only known him for 3 days. Yet, maybe he saw what I missed in the midst of my self-focused doubt and performance based strivings: God takes joy in me as His child and is holding me in His hand.***

***As we bowed our heads, this wise woman brought me before the throne of God. My heart knew that words I longed to say were being spoken. Spoken by someone who is walking in assurance of the Lord’s presence and attentiveness to His children. Tears spilled out of my eyes… It was almost like she was carrying me along. Hearing her words of faith and trust toward God was like a lifeline to my faltering soul.***

If you ever get the opportunity to bless someone with words. Do it. It means more than you can imagine.

Dear Father,

I want to speak truth over the lives around me.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

~ABBA SHOWS UP~ (part 3 of "Abba Series")

[Praying]….Jesus, I pray that you would prepare the hearts of Nigel and Kim. They need you. I don’t know them, or much about them. Jesus, I just know their names. I pray that they would come next week, and that you would do a work in their hearts… Lord I also pray for….. Jen’s thoughts moved on toward the names of just a few others she remembered from the hot afternoon of canvassing for the upcoming Vacation Bible School.

VBS started off with the usual excitement….

Nigel and Kimberly entered our classroom that first evening for VBS. It took me until the next evening to realize they were siblings. After the Bible story in large group, all the children who had raised their hands (indicating their desire for counseling about salvation) went to the back. Nigel went back, and later told me that Jesus had washed his sins away! We were excited to hear of his decision, and hoped he had fully grasped what it meant to trust Jesus for salvation.

The next evening, I made my way to the back to help with counseling the children who wanted to speak with someone. I spoke with Isaiah. He understood and trusted Jesus. Nigel talking to another counselor. I was slightly worried that he had not understood that he was secure in Christ, there was no need to get “re-saved”. Isaiah and I finished talking and walked over to Nigel who was finished as well. As we walked, I asked him what he and the counselor had spoken about. Nigel’s words were full of confidence and fervor. He began to explain to me that once you accept Christ in your heart, Christ does a work in your heart. Nothing you could do, sin or action, could change what Jesus had done. “Because it was His work, not mine.” I listened in stunned silence. The counselor had obviously been in-tune with the Spirit, and the Spirit had granted a wonderful amount of understanding to Nigel.

I later realized that Nigel’s sister Kim had gone back to talk with someone as well. Nigel, Kim, and I were talking about all being “sisters and brothers” since we shared our Heavenly Father. Their faces of joy were simply beautiful. Nigel looked at me and said “Yeah, after Jesus washed my sins away last night, tonight, I told Kim to raise her hand and come talk to someone about it.” I almost laughed aloud at the innocence and beauty of Nigel’s fervor for his sister’s salvation. Under normal circumstances, a child telling another child to go back would be frowned upon. But in this instance, it was a beautiful display of the Spirits work in the brand-new child of God. The lady who counseled Kim told me that she was “ready, and understood”.

Fingers sticky from snow-cones, crumpled crafts, and changed hearts evidenced the week’s end. We all sat in the classroom, and some of the children seemed sad to see the week end, others seemed indifferent. Nigel and Kim’s driver came to the door and Nigel came and hugged Kaitlyn and I, then made his way around the room and gave every person a hug. Kim smiled as she hugged me goodbye. We said goodbye, and out the door they went. A minute had not passed when Nigel ran back into the room to hug us one more time. His eyes were sad as he told us he probably wouldn’t be able to come on Sundays, because his family attended another church. It was a sad moment; embracing yet another child for possibly the last time on this planet.

“Anyone can give a testimony Sunday night.” I reviewed the week in my mind. God had most definitely showed up. But I couldn’t think of anything concrete that I felt I could give a testimony about. As Saturday and Sunday went by, I went through the circumstance of God’s obvious work in Nigel’s heart. The service was full of testimonies of Abba’s love, faithfulness, and work in hearts. It was plain as day – Abba had showed up last week. His gentle fingerprints covered the circumstances.

After speaking I sat down, I hope that made sense to everyone. I had told about Nigel and Kim, and Isaiah – they were so obviously ripe for the harvest of God’s intervening grace.

Jen came up to me. Her face was animated and joyful….. “Natalie, I canvassed and knocked on Nigel and Kim’s door”… She told me how she had thought of Kim and Nigel many times before VBS and specifically prayed for them.

If you ever get the chance to share the Gospel, do it. If someone ever pops into your mind, pray for them. It’s obvious that God was part of the details of this story. It’s obvious that God had Jen knock on their door, remember their names, and pray for them. Its obvious that God had the perfect people counsel both Nigel and Kim. It’s obvious that Abba showed up.