Monday, November 21, 2011

Jump In!

Do you ever sense, that perhaps you are merely tipping your toe in the deep blue pool of life? That you live life dipping your toe in, sometimes wading into up to your waist (which feels like the edge of either insanity or the brink before terror). So, we spend our days dancing in the puddles and tasting the drops. We cup our hands and sip the water.

Who would I be without my trepidation and hesitation? A blundering fool, unaware of reality?

I'll make rivulets in the deep pool. Goodness, I'll even make a series of ripples. But a splash? You are insane. I can't do that.

To submerge, to leap, to embrace gifts offered.

Jump in, sink down, explore the depths, then glide toward the top for a gulp of sweet air.... A drink of icy water that reaches that thirsty place in your heart.

God doesn't promise us a life is ease and easy-living. But, he promises to be the giver of good gifts, the giver of moments of grace, the giver of Himself. We simply must move past our fear and apathy and seek our Abba. How can we jump into life if we aren't confident in Abba's goodness and nearness?

~~~A random thought: Life is not about moral reformation, but an increasing dependence on the indwelling Spirit.

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