Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hope. It’s the fuel for story and purpose. When it’s lost, the colors fade. Everything tastes a little more bland. The breeze doesn’t make your heart swell. After a while, your perceptions seem normal, and you forget there ever were rich colors and flavorful food, the breeze is only an annoyance.

We all hope for small things. But, have you lost the one hope that makes all other hopes fall into perspective?

Your story, if seen through the right eyes, can be an adventure filled with challenge and experience. The story only makes sense when seen with the end in sight. The end is full of just enough mystery to make it exciting, and just enough certainty to keep it worthwhile. The best part – you are never alone in your story.

If you are losing hope, maybe you need to find, “God in the shadows”.


  1. =) Sounds like what I've been reading in this book you've loaned me. I especially like the thought that "The end is full of just enough mystery to make it exciting, and just enough certainty to keep it worthwhile."
    I am going to mark your blog for future reading. =)
    Oh, and your blog needs a name! That's important in a story, too! ;)

  2. I actually names it "untitled".. for lack of a better name. I'm waiting for an inspiration. ;)
