Monday, July 5, 2010

Ambivalence Returns

The place on the narrow trail was familiar. She would have said “déjà vu”, but there was no one there to say it to. She stopped, looked around, and urged her brain to remember. Suddenly, it all made sense. This, was indeed the same trail, but much had changed. The trees to her right were the same, yet lichen and vines now covered the aged bark. The grass that once grew by the trail was now a high hedge of bushes, vines, briars, and weeds. As she scanned the trees on the left, her eyes settled on a small blue flower, the kind that is trumpet shaped and grows on a delicate green vine with heart shaped leaves. The flowers – they were the same.

The urge to run was strong, but the urge to slow her pace and stare at the surrounding woods was stronger. Her mind shifting into remembrance mode and suddenly it all came rushing back like a wave over her.

“Why, Why am I here again?”



uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.


  1. you know, i feel like so much of life is a journey down the same old path. but have faith, dear one, the Lord is leading you on that path. it is His. and you can say de ja vu to Him. He knows!

    love you and cannot wait to spend some time together at the lake!

  2. Love it! =)

    This is a great picture of God's healing path...Uncertain, but full of Hope.

